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krystal munguia

Krystal Munguia

Photography P4


30 January 2018



1.      Cartier-Bresson was out hunting in Africa when he discovered his interest in photography, as “African did fuel another interest in him: photography”

2.      His approach to photography was experimenting “with a simple Brownie he'd received as a gift, taking pictures of the new world around him”

3.      Cartier-Bresson’s photography agency was called Magnum Photos and he “teamed up Robert Capa, George Rodger, David 'Chim' Seymour, and William Vandivert” to help start it up.

4.      After his three year trip to Asia, Cartier-Bresson released his first book that represented him “as a photographer with a heart,” wanting “to document and show triumph and tragedy in all its forms”

5.      When Cartier-Bresson escaped from the Nazi camp he was “commissioned by the United States to direct a documentary about the return of French prisoners”



Photojournalism: A way to collect, edit and providing information for the public.

Odyssey: A long eventful journey

Dabble: Immerse in water and move them around

Frugal: Sparing with food or money

Immersed: Put in liquid

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